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- !MeshName(s) // path to 3da file with mesh of this bonnet
- !MountingDummy(s) // cars helper element to attach bonnet to
- !Mass(f) // mass of body (if 0 or not defined mass is calculated auto from body default density and volume)
- !Joint(s, s) // joint defined by dummy element s and script s
- !Type(s) // joint type (from EODEJointTypes.java) "HINGE", "UNIVERSAL", ...
- !Stops1(f,f) // joint lo and hi stops (DEG) for axis 1
- !Stops2(f,f) // joint lo and hi stops (DEG) for axis 2
- !Axis1(f,f,f) // axis 1 vector
- !Axis2(f,f,f) // axis 2 vector
- !Spring(f) // spring coefficient (stop CFM) for joint s
- !Friction(f) // friction force (0 - no friction)
- !FixedState(s) // fixed state of part ("GOOD", "PENDANT", "SEPARATE")
- !PendantFactor(f) // (0 .. 1) health factor to pendant a part
- !LoStopHitSound(f, s) // lo stop hit sound angular speed threshold and sound file name (_XX format)
- !HiStopHitSound(f, s) // hi stop hit sound angular speed threshold and sound file name (_XX format)
- !JointDamageThresholdCollision(f) // Min joint feedback force to make damage from joint on collision
- !JointDamageMultCollision(f) // Joint feedback force multiplier for parts damage on collision
- !MassTranslation(f,f,f) // Mass translation percentage vector (0, -1, 0) means center of mass on bottom of box